Use the entire living space with practical sliding windows.

Komfort Ecoslide Head

Numerous possibilities to save space and energy: the ECO SLIDE sliding system.

When windows do not swing open but instead glide easily to one side, then you can use every inch of your home. Along with the design freedom, the thermal insulation is also increased. Because the SIEGENIA ECO SLIDE sliding system has unique sealing and a highly effective locking system. The night vent function also guarantees maximum room comfort.

Simply save space

Being able to use every inch of your home: That’s room comfort.

Komfort Ecoslide Kuechenfenster Geschlossen
Komfort Ecoslide Kuechenfenster Offen

With the ECO SLIDE sliding system, your window sash glides along a track instead of swinging inwards. This gives you the freedom to finally use every inch of your room, even surrounding the window. Because you can provide plenty of fresh air at any time and with a large opening width – without having to clear your window sill or work surface. This makes ECO SLIDE an extremely convenient alternative to the classic turn-tilt window.

Light-as-a-feather operation

Window sashes can glide so intuitively and effortlessly.

High-quality bogie wheels, special guiding elements on all four sash corners and modern damper stops allow the sash to slide almost weightlessly, but extremely precisely, back and forth. The intuitive operation also includes a clever night vent function, which makes it easy to use the lever for pleasant basic ventilation in an instant.

Schwereloses Gleiten
Intuitive Bedienung
Cleveres Spaltlüften
Schwereloses Gleiten
Komfort Ecoslide Bedienung Laufwagen

Hochwertige Laufwagen und Führungselemente.
Durch zwei oder vier moderne und sehr wartungsarme ECO SLIDE Laufwagen lässt sich Ihr Fensterflügel besonders leicht auf- und zufahren. Je nach Größe und Gewicht sorgen dabei bis zu acht Rollen sowie spezielle Führungselemente und Anschlagdämpfer für eine ruhige und sanfte Gleitbewegung.

Intuitive Bedienung
Komfort Ecoslide Bedienung Getriebe

Kraftsparendes Getriebe.
Mit dem ECO SLIDE System von SIEGENIA funktioniert nicht nur die Flügelbewegung fast wie von selbst. Auch das Öffnen und Verriegeln über den Hebel ist spürbar leichtgängig. Kraftvoll arbeitet hier nur das besondere Getriebe: So ziehen massive Verschlusshaken das Fenster mit hohem Anpressdruck an den Rahmen und dichten perfekt ab.

Cleveres Spaltlüften
Komfort Ecoslide Bedienung Spaltlueften

Integrierte Lüftungsfunktion.
Durch eine 45°-Drehung des Hebels öffnet sich der Fensterflügel automatisch für wenige Millimeter. So haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit einem einfachen Handgriff für eine angenehme Basisbelüftung zu sorgen.

More security and thermal insulation

Everything that a modern window needs.

Komfort Ecoslide Sicherheit-haken

The ECO SLIDE system provides effective burglar protection with its robust hook bolts. When closing, they press the sash into continuous circumferential seals that are unique to sliding sashes. And so security and thermal insulation are increased and you have the best conditions to save a lot of energy.

ECO SLIDE as a sliding door

The ECO SLIDE system: in a class of its own, even among sliding doors.

Komfort Ecoslide Schiebetuer-interieur

ECO SLIDE also brings more lightness and compression to sliding doors – even with elements up to 5 metres wide or 2.5 metres high. The invisibly integrated SOFT CLOSE function ensures even greater ease of use in this weight class. It gently brakes the sash during the closing process and then pulls it closed automatically. This minimises the risk of injury due to improper operation and prevents material damage.

All the benefits for you

  • Optimal use of space in the window area
  • Particularly smooth and intuitive operation with night vent function
  • Lower heating costs thanks to high thermal insulation
  • Modern window design
  • SOFT CLOSE function can be integrated with larger elements