AS 2750 three-latch lock
with triple self-closing function.

More security at all times and lasting protection against door warping.
The AS 2750 three-latch lock is equipped with the main lock latch as well as two sprung soft lock latches in order to fix the door sash three times in the frame by just closing it. This gives long-term protection against door warping and against unauthorised entry attempts, even when unlocked, by pushing the main lock latch back. After locking with the key, the massive hook bolt-latch combinations ensure maximum intruder resistance. The easily operated gear with powerful door tightening ensures an optimal seal as well as excellent heat and sound insulation with heavy push-pull pressure.

T2 door arrester: More protection against unwanted guests.
By means of a concealed blocking clip integrated in the rebate, it offers the opportunity to limit the opening width of the door to a secured gap via a swivel knob to increase protection against unauthorised entrance. The locking function can be deactivated at any time from the outside by turning the key once in the locking direction.
- Swivel knob thanks to analogue backsets optically on a line with the cylinder lock
- Benefit in contrast with door chains: The door surface is not scratched
- Can be used DIN right or DIN left
- Delivery preassembled from factory
- Sprung index pin with 12.5 mm deadbolt to compensate for airgap tolerances

Day latch 115A/115B: Leave the house without a key.
An E3Q locking rail allows combination with the day latch. The main lock and the two auxiliary lock latches are released by the mechanical arresting of the blocking levers on the three E-openers, via a manual locking slider.
Grid dimensions
Customised efficiency: Uniform routing templates, lean warehousing.

Our multi-point locks with uniform dimensions are intelligent modular systems that make your work from fabrication to installation considerably easier. Uniform routing templates for different types of lock and freely combinable product families make prefabrication more efficient, make the service faster and reduce warehousing.