

360° room comfort.
100% responsibility.

We blue Living in a time of change. We are living at a time when developments around the world are creating fresh momentum and changing the way we think and act. Topics such as sustainability, health, security and demographic change are becoming increasingly important. They will influence the way we live in the future as much as the spaces we live in. That is why, at SIEGENIA, 360° room comfort is more than just a description of a function and its benefits. It is a clear commitment to designing spaces for the future that are geared in their entirety to the requirements and needs associated with sustainable and healthy living.

As a successful, owner-managed, medium-sized family business, we recognise the pivotal changes taking place in the world and in our industry and are able to adapt to them with both speed and sensitivity. By following streamlined, hands-on decision-making processes, we ensure that we remain agile and responsive – in our strategic direction, prioritised investments, technology, processes and implementation. We have strong local roots and are proud of our down-to-earth values. At the same time, we are active on the international stage and committed to sustainable growth.
At SIEGENIA, we know what it means to take responsibility – for the values and traditions of our company, for our employees and company sites, for the climate and the environment, and for future generations. Doing business sustainably is one of the cornerstones of our corporate governance. We believe in fair and honest business practices and strive to make a positive contribution to society.

So that we can continue to offer future generations what they have a right to expect from us:
360° room comfort. 100% responsibility.

Climate protection

Social responsibility

Facts and figures