"Experience technical careers at SIEGENIA"

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Exciting holiday initiative inspires young people from the local area

Technical know-how is fun: SIEGENIA organised an exciting holiday initiative with a varied programme of activities. This year, the Siegerland-based company invited local schoolchildren to its headquarters in Wilnsdorf-Niederdielfen for the second time under the motto "Experience technical careers at SIEGENIA". The holiday activities in Wilnsdorf gave the youngsters an entertaining and informative insight into the company and its technical careers. 

"We had already found the previous year that the young people are very enthusiastic about making their own workpieces. Many of them discover how much they enjoy technical work. This is particularly important for those who are still unsure about what they want to do after leaving school. We have been supporting young people in their career choices for a long time by providing work placements for school pupils. The holiday initiative is another ideal way of introducing young people to technical professions at an early age and establishing links with our company," explains Lukas Löhr, Technical Trainer at SIEGENIA.  

To this end, SIEGENIA joined forces with the local community in Wilnsdorf to offer technology days on 23 July and 13 August for the local young people's holiday programme. In addition, the company also launched an extra taster day for the children of its employees. "As a certified 'family-friendly company', the well-being of our employees is extremely important to us," explains training manager Nina Herter. "By providing attractive holiday childcare options that combine creativity, fun and hands-on learning, we help foster in children an interest in pursuing a technical career. This is every bit as important to us as it is to strengthen the bond between our company and the community of Wilnsdorf."

Producing finished rollers step by step

The training team had once again put together a varied programme to make the technical experience days as diverse as possible. Following a warm welcome and a tour of the site, which offered a lively insight into the production workflows and processes at SIEGENIA, the team and their young guests immersed themselves in the learning material. Together, they set to work to produce miniature rollers over the course of the day. A kit comprising prepared components was a great help with the practical work: from correct measuring, marking out and centre-punching to drilling, filing radii and bending, the pupils had their hands full until it was time for lunch. They then went on to learn other craftsmanship skills. How do you cut a thread and what is the most skilful method of assembly? It gave the youngsters a tremendous sense of achievement to finally hold the finished roller in their hands.