Facade ventilator AEROMAT VT

Luefter Fassadenluefter Head

Ventilator versions

Efficient window ventilators for modern facades.

As an architect or planner, you need a system that can be integrated flexibly and harmoniously into any building. Your customer expects tangible benefits, wants to bring calmness, efficiency and convenience into the home. There is a simple solution for both parties: Our AEROMAT VT ventilator range. The possibility of heat recovery, air filtration and automatic humidity and CO2 control makes these sound absorbing ventilators important components for sophisticated room comfort.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Produktabbildung

Ventilator versions for all requirements.

AEROMAT VT as a passive ventilator.
The individually controllable air throughout is accomplished via the natural pressure differential between cool outside air and heated indoor air.

AEROMAT VT as a motor-operated ventilator.
The explicitly quiet radial ventilator offers a high, two-stage air throughput and effective sound absorption.

AEROMAT VT with heat recovery.
Combines the aforementioned benefits with a thermal efficiency of up to 62 % without condensate formation.

Installation options

Perfect integration into practically every facade.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Bruestung
Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Fenstersturz
Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Senkrecht

Installation in the window sill
Due to its compact dimensions, the AEROMAT VT can be integrated concealed into the wall without problems.

Installation in the lintel
Due to its discreet front profile, the AEROMAT VT can be installed flush with the wall in the lintel area.

Upright installation next to the window:
Integrated vertically between the window reveal and frame/ guide rails of the roller shutter, ventilation is possible even when the roller shutter is closed.

Installation below the ceiling
Fixed to the ceiling with a hole drilled through the supporting parts for structural reasons.

Installation in the floor
For room height windows, in particular, this opens an optically discreet solution as the ventilator is concealed beneath a walk-in louvre grid.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Senkrecht Referenz

AEROMAT VT with heat recovery
Upright installation next to the window:

Building: Head Office AOK North-West, Dortmund
Architect: Nattler Architekten, Essen

Two AEROMAT VT each, with heat recovery, will be integrated, fully concealed, in the wooden-post-mullion construction. For this purpose, the outside ventilators were installed behind a perforated plate with separated supply air and exhaust air. The inside inspection openings and the air outlets were installed in the high-quality wood panelling.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Senkrecht Einbauskizze
Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Fenstersturz Referenz

AEROMAT VT with heat recovery
Installation over the double windows

Building: Senior domicile, Berlin-Mitte
Architect: Süntel Bau GmbH, Bad Münder

The requirements here were mainly the retention of the historic preservation. At the same time, a sound absorbing fresh air supply had to be ensured.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Fenstersturz Einbauskizze
Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Bruestung Referenz

Installation in the lintel and wall

Building: Administration building HAMBURG WASSER
Architect: SEHW Architekten GmbH, Hamburg

To prevent the aesthetics of the building from being influences by a ventilation unit, the sound absorbing ventilators were installed, fully concealed, behind the brick facade. Indoors, they are concealed behind a reversible cover.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Bruestung Einbauskizze
Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Fussboden Referenz

Installation integrated in the floor

Building: Residential apartment block with private apartments, Cologne
Architect: Neering & Partner, Cologne

Air supply units are necessary in the anthracite-coloured bay windows. To achieve an undisturbed architecture, motorised AEROMAT VT ventilators were integrated in the floor, behind the horizontal bands. In this way the fresh air supply is drawn in fully concealed and guided to the inside of the building silently.

Luefter Fassadenluefter Aeromat-vt Fussboden Einbauskizze