Move large sliding doors as easily as a modern kitchen drawer.

Big and heavy becomes safe and smooth: Lift-slide systems with SOFT CLOSE.
There is a safe solution for the simple operation of large and heavy lift-slide systems: The innovative SOFT CLOSE function which can be invisibly integrated into the sash. This brakes the sash gently just before it reaches the end position and then pulls it shut automatically. This minimises any risk of injury in the case of improper operation and precludes any material damage.

Pure convenience: Operation with the SOFT CLOSE is child's play.
All the benefits for you
- Makes heavy 400 kg sliding doors as light as a feather
- Brakes safely and smoothly automatically and closes the sash
- Prevents improper operation and prevents injuries, especially to children
- No hard sash impact, no damage to the building
- High design standards thanks to fully concealed design
SOFT CLOSE functions so easily
Product film
When moving large objects is child's play
Room comfort film